30 Days
By: Christine d’Abo
Releasing July 28, 2015

Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mate, but not Alyssa Barrow. She met Rob at sixteen, and they were set to live happily ever after—until he became ill. In his final days, Rob urged his beautiful, young wife not to abandon happiness—or pleasure. He even left her a special gift, a sexy game plan to help her move on: Thirty cards with instructions for thirty days of passion. You’ll know when the time is right, he’d said. Now it’s two years later, and when Alyssa meets her hot new neighbor, Harrison Kemp, she begins to think the right time is right now…
From his sculpted thighs to his devilish grin, Harrison is the kind of man women want. Before she can lose her nerve, Alyssa tells Harrison about her long-ignored cards…and asks him to help her fulfill them. It’s a favor he’s more than happy to, um, perform. With his skillful touch, and the hot press of his lips against her skin, Alyssa finds herself re-awakening to life—and a host of other sensations. But what began as not-so-innocent fun soon grows into true intimacy, and Alyssa realizes she’s opening herself up not just to sex…but to love. When it comes to a future with Harrison, what’s really in the cards?
Saucy, heartwarming, and insightful, 30 Days explores the agony—and the ecstasy—of starting over, and how a little encouragement, and a little courage, can go a long way…
Being on my
own was . . . strange. Rob had been gone nearly two years and I still found
myself turning to say something to him at the weirdest times. Though over the
past month that started happening less frequently. I couldn’t tell you exactly
how I felt about that. Guilty? Oh my God yes. But I knew it meant I’d finally
started to move on. I hadn’t told anyone about my mental shift. Instead, I
found myself going to this quiet place in my head, speaking less, observing
more. It was different. I guess I’d become different more out of necessity than
any real desire to change.
We’d known
his time was coming to an end and took the last month of his life to simply
enjoy each other. It was on one of our various trips to the beach that he
handed me The Envelope.
this?” My fingers were damp from the ocean spray and sticky from the ice cream
I’d just finished. “If this is some death letter thing, I can’t read it.”
He grinned
at that. “Naw, it’s not sappy or anything. But yes, it’s for after I’m gone.”
listen to me. I promise you it’s not what you think.” He huffed, puffing out
his shallow cheeks. “How many guys have you slept with?” The breeze moved his
shirt and the sun made his brown eyes sparkle. If he had any hair left it would
have blown from his forehead. My heart ached to run my hands through his hair
once more. “And if you say more than one I’ll promise not to be pissed.”
“Don’t be
an ass. You know you’re the only man I’ve ever been with.” We’d talked a lot
about that after we’d gotten married. Rob had a small measure of guilt that I
hadn’t had a chance to sow my oats. Somehow he thought because of my limited
dating experience I would get bored or grow to resent him.
The idiot.
“That’s my
point.” He took my hand and pressed the envelope into my palm once more. “Don’t
open this until you’re ready. Hell, you might not want to open it at all. Just
. . .” He gave my hand a squeeze, but for the first time in a long while, he
couldn’t meet my gaze. “I know you said you didn’t think you’d want to be with
anyone else.”
“I don’t.”
The thought made me ill.
“Baby, you
shouldn’t be alone. You have too much light and love inside you. The thought of
you being on your own, of not having anyone to share in the joy you have to
give? No. I know you. There will come a time when you’ll realize that you’re
ready to move on—”
“I won’t.”
“—and I
know you’ll feel guilty about that. You’ll ignore the feelings for as long as
you can, thinking that you don’t need anyone. Then something will happen.
You’ll see someone and in that beautiful brain of yours you’ll be all nice ass,
dude, and that will be it. You’ll cry about it but you’ll realize you’re
“Please. I
wouldn’t cry.” Because it wouldn’t happen. Ever. “Not over a nice ass.”
chuckled, finally looking me in the eye. “You’ll cry. But then you’ll remember
this conversation and know that I was right. So I’m going to say I told you so
now. Then I want you to take this envelope and open it.”
“It’s about
Link to Follow Tour: http://www.tastybooktours.com/2015/06/30-days-by-christine-dabo.html
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22891467-30-days
Author Info
Christine d’Abo is a romance novelist and short story writer, with over thirty publications to her name. She loves to exercise and stops writing just long enough to keep her body in motion too. When she’s not pretending to be a ninja in her basement, she’s most likely spending time with her husband, daughters, and her two dogs.
Website: http://christinedabo.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Christine_dAbo
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